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Jum it-Tifkira / Remembrance Day


Quddiesa fil-Knisja Arċipretali tal-Mellieħa għar-ruħ il-mejtin kollha tal-Għaqda Mużikali Imperial. F’din il-quddiesa ħadu sehem membri tal-Banda u l-Kor Imperial u wara sar korteo għaċ-ċimiterju fejn indaqqet fanfarra mill-membri tal-Banda Imperial, tkantaw xi innijiet, sar it-tberik tal-oqbra u tpoġġew fjuri fuq l-istess oqbra.

Ritratti / Photos

Holy Mass at the Mellieħa Parish Church for the repose of the members of the Imperial Band Club who passed away. Members of the Imperial Band and the Imperial Choir took part in the mass. Afterwards, members of the Imperial Band played a fanfare in the Cemetery and the Choir sang some hymns. This was followed by the blessing of the graves and the laying of a wreath.